Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Digital Storytellling

What a powerful tool this can be! We watched nicholas Kordonowy's story about who he is today. This Senior in high school did a great job describing who he is and where he came from. I think the sound track could have been a little clearer, as most of the time breathing could be heard. I really liked his description of his trips to North Dakota and hunting with his uncles. It is nice to hear that he has been taught to respect nature and only hunts what he is going to eat. I got a real sense of the person Nicholas was portraying himself as.

I believe digital storytelling would be a powerful tool in the classroom. I know on a personal level, my daughter is tired of creating power point presentations~this will give her a new form for publishing research. I can see this may also be a great tool for a sub to use. The teacher could easily have a pre-recorded assignment and all the sub would have to do is hit play!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

I love your idea about having a digital story ready for a sub to use. I would not have thought of this avenue for the use of digital stories.