Monday, June 30, 2008

Ban DHMO? Are you kidding? I love the stuff. I use it daily and give it to my children. I spread it in my garden, it makes the plants really green. It would be wonderful to have it fall from the sky more often!!!! Have you explored the DHMO website produced by Tom Way If not, you should take a good look at it. Then you can decide for yourself whether to ban it or not. Tom--What a character! I think he must be some kind of creative science teacher or technology teacher--maybe both. My favorite part of the website is the research reports and surveys! I don't think Tom has any special authority other than the knowledge. I knew absolutely nothing about this organization before I explored the website but think its a great teaching tool. I'm sure kids would love to take the survey home and ask parents their opinions on DHMO. It would be a lesson I don't think they would forget.


Kimberly said...

I agree with you. This guy is quite a character. The funny part is, what he is saying about DHMO is all true. The stuff can kill you! He does make a great point about how to sway public opinion.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, Tom must be such a character to create this site. I would like to see how many parents would buy into his story. I would like to know more about this "Tom".

smartmonkey said...

Wow, it had me sucked into for a while. I just kept reading and reading about it. To be honest it still didn't hit me till after reading a few other peoples blogs. Thats funny and it would be a great teaching tool.

Diane Peck said...

I agree. It is a great teaching tool. It certainly taught me a valuable lesson. Tom Way must have an excess of creative energy and some significant spare time on his hands. Lucky for us!

ThrillWill said...

Nice post. I liked the humor. Also, That was a good idea to have the children take home a survey to their parents. I'm sure they would get a kick out of it.