Friday, July 11, 2008

MEDT 3401 opinions

What were your favorite 2 assignments in this class and why? Creating the Wiki and using the blog had to be my favorites to work on. I truly appreciate the fact that while learning how to create a wiki and how to use a blog that I also read about their uses in the classroom. I liked knowing the opinions of those who like them and those who don't. Sharing ideas and insights through the blog with fellow students/teachers was great. These are great teaching tools.

What are the top 3 technology tools you hope to use in your future classroom/position? Dream world now--I would love to have an active board with active votes and the whole nine yards. I would like laptops in my classroom--maybe 5, for students to use to complete their assignments. I do believe that posting their works of literature, pictures of projects and having them create and post digital stories to a class wiki will enable them to share what they have done with aunts, uncles, grandparents and friends anytime they want. ---having the tools to do that is really necessary. If I can't have the classroom laptops or computers, then the school should have 2 computer labs, one for specials and one for teachers to sign up and have the class use. Third piece of technology will always be the overhead with a rolling transparencies. Almost as good as being able to color on the computer and have it show up on an active board.

What piece of technology would you like to get better at, and what are the steps you can take to improve your skills? Excel is the software I would like to know better and if I find myself in a classroom with an active board I will want to know everything it is capable of!

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